New Winter Sport: Snow Swimming

They say this guy is a member of the Canadian swim team, but the video was actually recorded in the town of NaĊĦice, Croatia. (dailypicks)

YouTube Description:

***Search for new methods of training... and use conditions that You have...**** **Will be ready for ICE AGE :) **

Tags for this video have been changed from 'snow, swimminmg, swim, butterfly, croatia' to 'snow, swimming, swim, butterfly, croatia' - edited by bareboards2


Meanwhile in the real world...

Canada's first ice swimmer
His name is Paul Duffield and he became Canada’s first Ice Swimmer when he completed a one-mile swim at the Gellatley Bay Aquatic Park on Okanagan Lake.

Emerging from the lake triumphant but cold, he quickly began toweling off as his wife and friends tried to warm him up and keep the blood circulating.

The rules stipulate that the swim must be completed in water with a temperature colder than five degrees Celsius, and the swimmer can only wear a cap and suit (no wetsuit).

(an honour held by only 25 other swimmers worldwide. )


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