New McCain Ad begins playing in Ohio

With nothing original to say, they've gone back to Rev. Wright

Let me tell everyone here something, because I'm mildly drunk and I feel like it:

McCain is NOT now, nor has he EVER been, a fucking maverick! I don't give a flying fuck that he spoke against the likes of Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson in the 2000 election cycle. He was doing that for a reason: To set himself apart from the other candidates, trying to make a name for himself. In other words, he was doing it for POLITICAL reasons. Also, let's not forget that in his second fucking term in the United States Senate he got busted for his involvement in the Keating 5 scandal. That's your fucking maverick, folks.

I am so sick of this narrative about "Maverick McCain." Even some Democrats say "he USED to be" a maverick. WRONG. He has voted the party line just as much as any other Republican Senator, and he has consistently voted for Bush policies. Not just Bush the Douchebag, but Bush the Elder Douchebag too.

Don't let 'em fool you for one second about this "maverick" shit. He's a desperate, crotchety old man with a sense of entitlement. He thinks that just because he's an old veteran (and Obama's not) that he deserves the keys to the Oval Office. Yeah, every old veteran deserves every fucking thing they ask for. Now before someone accuses me of troop-bashing, I'll remind you that I'm a veteran too, so I'll say this: Most veterans aren't cut out to be President. Is that a bad thing to say? NO, only because most PEOPLE aren't cut out to be President. In other words, he ain't getting a veteran's discount from me.

Attacking a fellow veteran, McCain? Rev. Wright also served his country in the United States Marine Corps, asshole.


This sort of advertising, while not directly from McCain's camp (at least 'officially'), is just disgusting.

Too Radical? Give me a f*cking break.

Yeah, let's keep doing the SAME OLD SH*T over and over, because that's working out great.

I'd like Obama TO BE radical, I'd like him TO BE a bit more Socialist, I'd like him TO MAKE the US a bit of a beacon of good in the world.

We'll just have to see.

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