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NYC Traffic Officer breaks the law

A NYC police officer was caught on tape illegally parking in front of a fire hydrant while firetrucks nearby dealt with a possible fire.

eh the guy has a point but is it me or does the first 1/2 sound like a voiceover?

Secondly, yes they broke the law and should be reported, is it necessary to badger them that much? I have mixed feelings on this, he was right to catch them, but to scream at an officer? How is that going to do anything but piss them off?


I did not submit this twice, I submtited two seperate videos from the same Youtube user covering similar content. See the other post here He is yelling at her due to the fact she's blocking a fire hydrant - whether or not that specific hydrant is needed I have no idea, but the fact remains that the same person who delivers the law should be required to abide by it.


i find it amazing that people dismiss the message just because he's "being a jerk"... even if the cop breaks the law and is ALSO a jerk.

it's like, no upvote, he's being a bit of a jerk.

wtf? no comments about the police, in uniform, flippin the bird at a citizen.


I'm torn on it too and it's a subject I've talked with people about a number of times. It's a catch 22 situation I guess.

Yes, we need to stop taking a lot of the crap we have been taking and learn to fight back, we've got every right to be angry about a lot of things and probably should be. Enraged. But for that part of the public which doesn't understand what's going on they won't understand the anger either so if we want to change things rather than make gestures we've got to focus that anger and learn how to use it rather than it use us.

I wade through garbage all the time, death rates, prison stats, been living with stuff like this for years now. Or this.

So we've got reason to be angry, but now what? Do we want to make a difference or a gesture? If we let the anger control us a gesture is the best we can hope for and we might damage the cause, just discredit it for the next activist who tries to work there. I'll toss the vid a vote after thinking about it but more because what the cop did was wrong than because he did anything right. If he makes a habit of this someone needs to get through to him, he's doing us no favors.


The little fuck that made this viddy needs to get a life-big deal she was parked there, 5 ft from the frikkin car, she can move it if she has to....would have told the guy he was a dumbasss, to is face, in the store, and perhaps after tuning him up a bit, stolen his camera, so he couldn't masturbate in public any more.....

drattus, there will always be the type of folks best suited to be the cop, or the guard, or the patrolman, etc., and because of the predictable nature of these types of personalities, they will always have a place in societies....

Prisons, are not there to keep criminals away from non-criminals....they are there to generate revenue.

Drugs are not illegal because of their deleterious health effects, or the meltdown they cause in a society in the current paradigm, they are, because they generate revenue.

The individual cop here, is simply an asshole, that happens to be a cop, If she was not a cop, she would probably still be an asshole...just so happens, that the income-generating profession that best suits her, is cop.....cause we all know how much $$$$ you can make on the side, doing things that are illegal.....oh, forgot to mention, the guy who made the film, is a bigger asshole-

drattus, the best way to be an activist against such bullshit??? Break the laws you wish to, obey the ones you do not, but if you can make money with activism, by all means, do that.......until the planet is not run on, by, and for $$$$, it will only get worse, before it gets better......

-the time for civil disobedience has always been now.


Its a good thing the cops aren't as harsh as this guy, chasing you around yelling at you for a parking infringement. I mean seriously, he's clearly no good Samaritan, more of a pedantic nutter.

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