(youtube) Philippe Restaurant NYC selling public parking spots.
Restaurant employee puts out orange cones to reserve public parking for their customers only, and charges a fee upwards of $40 to park. If neighborhood residents move the cones to park their cars they face intimidation and threats from Malik, (the man in the video) He says, "there are a lot of nasty people in the neighborhood but if you tip me I'll watch your car..."
This practice is preventing the entire neighborhood access to the already limited parking spots on the block.
0:04 - cones stored on side of restaurant.
0:36 - Malik lining the street with cones
1:18 - Malik moves cone so limo can back up and free up spot for blue car.
1:24 - Says "perfect" when man parks.
1:29 - Then malik holds front door and driver (man in pink shirt) gives him money after he is allowed to park.
1:50 - Officers witness malik taking a bribe and tells tipper to take his
money back. Cops give continual warnings but never make an arrest. Exactly why this practice has gone on for over the last 2 and a half years.
2:30 - Malik flips us off.
2:45 - Malik directing traffic and moving cones so only people that pay can park on street.
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YogiDude how hard is it to follow this guy and hit him in the back of the legs with a baseball bat. Yeah it's wrong to commit violence on people, it is absolutely wrong. That is exactly what happens when cops don't do their job and stop this bastard from extorting people. I can't believe you put up with this for 2 and a half years without making threats or following through with them on your own. Heck even a warning brick through the window would force the cops to at least come around there and have more of a presence, thus stopping this practice.
Look we're not as evolved as we would like to believe, the level of morality is no greater than it was when Genghis Khan was about. Step the fuck up, if you don't want to hurt anyone fine but you should do something if the police don't step up.
Kofisays...Its this kind of entrepreneurialism that makes America the nation it is today.
chilaxe>> ^Kofi:
Its this kind of entrepreneurialism that makes America the nation it is today.
This seems more like parasitism, which is the opposite of high-contribution entrepreneurship like Dropbox and Tesla Motors.
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