NEGROES WITH GUNS: Rob Williams and Black Power tells the dramatic story of the often-forgotten civil rights leader who urged African Americans to arm themselves against violent racists. In doing so, Williams not only challenged the Klan-dominated establishment of his hometown of Monroe, North Carolina, he alienated the mainstream Civil Rights Movement, which advocated peaceful resistance.
In August 1961, the Freedom Riders, civil rights activists trained by Martin Luther King, Jr. to lead non-violent resistance, came to Monroe to demonstrate the superiority of passive resistance. An angry mob turned on the protestors and, by the end of the day, the Freedom Riders had been bloodied, beaten and jailed, and Rob Williams was on the run from the FBI.
bobknight33This strikes close to home.
History in my town.
Not because I'm a Yankee but I've moved to Monroe NC back in 2001 for work.
I've read that this was a segregated town back in 61 when I was born.
This town was a Klan meet up for all surrounding areas .
This Document indicated an incident where 15,000 Klansman held a rally here.
This document shows some real fuckery form late 50's and 60's
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