NASA - Returning to the Moon

The newest NASA animation about the constellation program. Here's a link to NASA's "The Vision for Space Exploration" site.

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

I just tried to submit this. I do think that the flat topped Apollo engineers would scoff at the level of fluffiness. Less time on PR, more time on engineering, Nasa - please.


Yeah, dag. For once one of the YouTube comments speaks some truth: "this is like a intro for a Playstation-1 game".

Hell, I almost could've titled this "The Moon 2: Electric Boogaloo"


Yeah, well, unfortunately you need a flashy PR machine to get the average American to get excited about space exploration again. Since we don't have the Soviet scare to outrace anymore, people aren't interested. For a minute it actually looked like Bush was going to be all in on getting back out there, but then 9/11 happened and fit the Neo-con agenda much nicer, which led to us squandering everything on Iraq. Not to mention the renewed and bolstered interest in all things religious (mainly Christian) and the rejection of science and reason.

If PR gets the public to support NASA again than I say give ILM a call and let's get this show on the road.

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