Excellent animation with a robot for electronica track The Pieces Fit by Module (project of Wellington based Jeramiah Ross).
yt commenter thesteved87 says: From Module: "The female robot vocal is completely synthetic. it's done by using a generic text to speech website to generate the words and then I did a form of Audio motion capture by replacing the part I sang by matching up the waveforms. Then once that was done I put it through rewire in melodyne and controlled it in real time via the midi keyboard recording it back into ableton live and then re-edited that performance for the most realistic emotional response." Pretty darn cool.
YouTube Description:
Video for The Pieces Fit from the album Imagineering by Module. Buy on iTunes here -
http://tinyurl.com/bqpwgyo Visit www.facebook.com/modulenz for more info Animation by Matt Pitt, Shot by Marty Williams.
phymansays...That was a little slice of *loveliness*.
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deathcowI know the pieces fit....
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