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11 Comments, well made propaganda
Let Detroit go bankrupt? It's already bankrupt under a long line of Democrat politicians.
Tea Party? Tea Party believes in fiscal responsibility, free markets and limited gov't.
2000 workers laid off under Romney? How many millions laid off under Obama?
Corporations are not people? Take out the people, what do you have? About 6000 pages of federal regulation, that's about all.
Is an unregulated Wall Street worse than a Wall Street that has existed all these decades under intense federal scrutiny? Did it help? Who's screwing us, the feds or Wall Street?
petpeevedsays..."Is an unregulated Wall Street worse than a Wall Street that has existed all these decades under intense federal scrutiny? Did it help? Who's screwing us, the feds or Wall Street?"
Someone please do the heavy lifting here. I just can't seem to formulate a polite response no matter how hard I try. I just froth at the keyboard.
gharkI wonder how many tax payer dollars that cost to make.
ConfuciusLooks like a great movie...whens it come out?
deathcowI sure hope Romney wins. Thats really what America needs, is having corporately owned millionaires in control of everything. They talk about defunding all these programs like it is a bad thing, but that means more money to pump into defense and big pharma, which will keep us all safe from scary foreigners, and help to level all our uneven temperaments with a steady supply of government approved antidepressents.
criticalthudsays...imho they are all assholes. we elected obama to do something, instead he just fell in line. this isn't just mitt romney's america, it's the america of every politician, sucking from the corporate tit.
do we really need any more evidence that neither party represents the american people?
a republican congress and a democratic president (clinton) passed the repeal of glass-steagal, effectively de-regulating the banks and allowing them to operate as brokers and insurance companies, selling bad deals and then betting on the losses.
here's a very telling graphic which also underscores how our government was bought and sold, effectively ending any sort of control on monopolistic activity. note how it corresponds with the repeal of glass-steagal in 1999">timeline of bank mergers
heropsychoOh, what utter BS. Medicare dismantled?! He freakin' provided the blueprint for the most recent health care reform! I'm not a Romney fan, but cut the crap. Getting really freaking tired of this kind of stuff. What ever happened in this country to even a sliver of honest discussion?
"Mitt Romney has a vision.
Wall Street... UNREGULATED
Main Street... ISOLATED
The Middle Class... DECIMATED
American jobs... RELOCATED
Supreme Court... STACKED
Social Security... PRIVATIZED
Medicare... DISMANTLED
Planned Parenthood... DEFUNDED
Global Warming... IGNORED
College Aid... SLASHED
Health Insurance Reform... REPEALED
Mitt Romney's America is not our America."
NetRunnerMy goodness. Quite the target rich environment.
Let's see, do I try to reach out to someone who thinks Wall Street is an innocent victim of the Federal government?
Do I try to engage yet another person who's saying "oh yeah, well Obama sucks too!" as if that's some justification for sitting out the next election?
Do I try to google Mitt Romney and medicare, and start linking it?
I shouldn't feel this weary -- it's not even 2012 yet.
Get used to seeing me doing what I can to help the people who say the things I like win elections over people who say things I hate.
If any of you have some better idea about how to change things, I'm all ears. If you just want to sit around and pat yourselves on the back for being hopeless and cynical, let me know that too, and I won't waste my breath responding.
heropsychoOr I could quote a myriad of things Obama said when running for office and either didn't do or did the exact opposite. Promising change through appointing different people than those who had been there, but then appointing Summers, Geithner, etc. He needed guys who understood the economy to deal with the crisis, even if they wouldn't institute radical change to get us through the crisis.
It's called politics. Candidates say things to get elected, and they end up doing something else for a lot of reasons. Sometimes it's outright pandering, sometimes they realize their initial conceptions were wrong, etc.
And I don't mean this as an anti-Obama statement, because a lot of politicians have said things but did another, and they ended up being good presidents. Bush Sr. with his "read my lips, no new taxes" bit, got into office, realized he had to raise taxes for the good of the country, and he did it. I'd rather him reverse directions once he realized it was a bad idea than stick to his guns stubbornly.
But anyone who can read between the lines and isn't an ideologue knows Romney isn't looking to eradicate Medicare. And the funny thing is I don't particularly even like Romney! LOL...
I'm not cynical and hopeless. I'm ideally hoping of a return of the time when Americans would actually have honest, open debate instead of this crap. And I guess that's my point. There's too much activism and too little honest discussion in our society when it comes to politics.
P.S. Since you're obviously a big Obama supporter, we're well aware you're "all ears." BOOM! :-) (Sorry, had to beat qm to the punch.)
>> ^NetRunner:
Do I try to google Mitt Romney and medicare, and start linking it?
NetRunner@heropsycho I largely agree with that, but I also think there's a bit too much of a tendency for the left to undercut their own messaging.

For example, the Ryan plan involved changing Medicare from a single-payer insurance program, into a set of vouchers that seniors could use to buy private insurance.
Democrats said this would "end Medicare." They're right.
However, for some reason, Democrats listened to the people who said that it doesn't end Medicare, it reforms it.
So Dem's changed their messaging and said this would "end Medicare as we know it", but still people nitpicked, and they added more and more caveats, until they finally just dropped it entirely.
Good job. Rather than cutting through the bullshit and saying the real truth (Republicans want to end Medicare, and Paul Ryan's plan will do it) in a succinct and powerful way, you have this overly hedged weasely sounding soundbite that has been effectively de-fanged by the left trying to make their attack ads stand up to some sort of academic standard of intellectual honesty.
Most people don't think that hard about this stuff. There's a time and a place for a more nuanced takedown of the Ryan plan, but for a 30-second attack add, it should be "Republicans want to End Medicare". You don't want nuance, you want blunt, emotional messages that cut to the real truth of the matter.
So yeah, Romney says he doesn't want to "dismantle" Medicare, he says he wants to give people the ability to opt-out...which experts say would undermine the single-payer part, and eventually lead to its collapse. And very recently, he's started talking up the Ryan Plan, which would end Medicare.
So does that make it "utter BS"? No, I say the utter BS when Romney tells people he wants to preserve the idea that our government must take care of the health care costs of seniors.
I have a similar take on people on the left criticizing Obama. It's good to keep it real about what he's doing, and not try to pretend he's something he's not. But it doesn't help if liberals go out and buy into the right-wing frame that Obama is the source of everything that's wrong in America right now, especially when that isn't even remotely true.
Obama can't win unless liberals support him. If they don't, then whatever clown the Republicans nominate will be President, and they'll wind up with both chambers of Congress too. I guess that'll teach him to be a moderate!
heropsychoDude, look, part of why this country is where it is quite frankly is people blanket refuse to actually think about the issues. I know that's been the case for a lot of people, but it's getting to the point that every political "discussion" turns into a shouting match of "YOU'RE A COMMIE LIBERAL!" and "YOU'RE A FASCIST CONSERVATIVE!"
I got called a flaming liberal because I dared to say the current economic crisis is not Obama's fault. I got called a right-winger the very same day because I said Obama has lacked clear leadership, and has failed in making fundamental change when we desperately needed it.
How can we ever get anywhere if everyone is shouting at each other? This kind of crap doesn't help!
I totally understand why the Democrats would release this kind of ad. It makes sense for them. But we as Americans in general should be smart enough to know it's BS and dismiss it, but we don't.
Here's a slam dunk of the BS in that ad. Romney's vision for the US is a decimated middle class?! WTFBBQ is that?! Look, I understand you believe his policies would result in that, but he believes his policies would have the opposite effect. I even agree with you that I think his policies would do more to hurt the middle class than help. BUT... he doesn't envision a decimated middle class. He doesn't want a decimated middle class. It's just ridiculous.
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