Military extreme skateboard: "first response vehicle"

From Gizmodo:
This is the DTV Shredder, a militarized skateboard with two caterpillar tracks. It can travel at over 30mph, go up 40-degree slopes, turn around in four feet, and be remotely operated. It's also quite spectacular in action:

Created by Ben Gulak—the guy who made the beautiful-but-kind-of-ridiculous Uno bike—the DTV Shredder was presented as a "first response modular platform for soldiers" at last August's Military Vehicles conference in Detroit.

>> ^Deano:

Is walking a big deal for soldiers now? BTW I can definitely see the Taleban rocking these

Not so much walking at 35 mph. But yes, just about anyone who had strategic backwoods travel plans could benefit from this. This reminds me, for no good reason, of one of my favorite quotes: “In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.” - Eisenhower


>> ^TickleMyElmo:

A light motorcycle is better than this thing in every way. What's the point?
Wouldn't you rather go 3 times as fast, over more difficult terrain, and carry cargo while doing it?

Possibly it's easier to store and maintain? Also it can be remote operated and has a low profile in that configuration.
Still I wonder about range and whether they'll actually use it.


>> ^leap2:

More of a scooter than a skateboard.

Which is just as well, really. If it was a skateboard, Al-Qaeda could deploy half-pipes at the front lines as if they were dragon's teeth. All our soldiers would spend the day working on their McTwist instead of fighting.

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