Mesmerizing Kinetic Sculptures

A self-taught artist with a background in physics, David C. Roy has been creating mesmerizing wooden kinetic sculptures for nearly 40 years. Powered solely through mechanical wind-up mechanisms, pieces can run up to 48 hours on a single wind.

To learn more about Roy's work, visit his website at

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These are really impressive. I'm not a big art person (gallery art, I mean)...but these are very intriguing. I'd put one in my house. But probably couldn't afford it.


Looked at his website, and the prices are not actually that bad. They have run times of around 5 hours, which is really cool. Love these, especially the one called 'Duality'. $2,600 is still a lot of money, but for the amount of detail and sheer coolness, that's not too bad.


These are really impressive. I'm not a big art person (gallery art, I mean)...but these are very intriguing. I'd put one in my house. But probably couldn't afford it.

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