Mercury attacking Aluminum

Apparently this is why mercury is banned on aircraft. Aluminum is highly reactive under that thin layer of aluminum oxide.

Time lapse: ~2 hours


Is the mercury reacting with the aluminium here?
is it just acting as a catalyst preventing aluminium oxide crystalizing, so it's actually oxygen reacting with aluminium creating oxide... but not crystallizing?


>> ^raverman:

Is the mercury reacting with the aluminium here?
is it just acting as a catalyst preventing aluminium oxide crystalizing, so it's actually oxygen reacting with aluminium creating oxide... but not crystallizing?

If I remember correctly the mercury combines with the aluminum to form an amalgam (which is why it seems to "soak" through the beam). The part of the amalgam exposed to air reacts to form aluminum oxide which flakes off, leaving most of the mercury behind to continue the process.

A small amount of mercury can destroy a large amount of aluminum.

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