Meet Your Insurance Company Executive: Rescission

YT: Wendell Potter, former CIGNA Healthcare Director of Communications explains the insurance industry practice of rescission.

Health care companies 'alone' have rescinded? That statement indicates there are others who would rescind? Who are they, and why would they?

Furthermore, this little tear jerking video presents no problem that needs to be fixed. It's emotionally charged, but otherwise without sound basis. Perhaps the situation could presented in another light (though it is virtually impossible to contemplate an alternative given the current climate nationwide of fear and loathing being pushed by roughly one half of media outlets).

"The poor insurance companies have to deal with people defrauding them every day by filling out applications and leaving out material, pertinent facts regarding their health. It's a good thing insurance companies can double check with other documents available to them, otherwise they'd have no way to defend against such rife fraud and deception." Same facts, different spin.

But, we can't think that way, because there's an old woman crying in front of us.

Honestly, the solution is not external intervention of any kind, she needs internal intervention. That is to say, the woman should do everything in her power to disclose all of her previous medical conditions. Right away, she could challenge the insurance company to search through her medical history so if there was some history which would deny her future coverage, they'd either have to say so immediately or forever hold their peace. That way she'd know where she stood into the future, and could take other actions if the insurance company chose not to cover.

Unless, in this specific case she already did do something along those lines, then the insurance company should be sued for fraud, or breach of contract, or whatever. Remedies already exist for every problem that exists. No need for 'new laws' (if there ever was such a thing) or greater regulation or elimination of private insurance on the basis of the facts presented in this video.

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