Matt Mason on The Pirate's Dilemma

42 minutes

Author Matt Mason delivers a talk on his new book. The Pirate’s Dilemma tells the story of how youth culture drives innovation and is changing the way the world works. It offers understanding and insight for a time when piracy is just another business model, the remix is our most powerful marketing tool and anyone with a computer is capable of reaching more people than a multi-national corporation.

A great talk, thanks dmaze. It's very reminiscent of a speech by Mark Pesce back in '06 (posted here by Benjee), which discussed the phenomenal success of Battlestar Galactica because of its early distribution through pirate sites.

He had predicted that we would start seeing entirely web based shows, which has happened somewhat on YouTube and other such places. I think the change is happening, but happening slowly - companies will either adapt or suffer the consequences.


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