YouTube: In his editorial New Rule, Bill Maher offers a little perspective to activist drama queens.

If you think a rule imposed by any authority is unjust, feel free to practice some civil disobedience.

But part of the impact of civil disobedience comes from accepting the (unjust) punishment / consequences of that disobedience with some dignity. That is what really persuades other people to see the injustice in the same light that you do.

Occupying a "federal building" that is only very tenuously connected to the word "federal" and then taking to Facebook to beg for "bare necessity" supplies (like French vanilla coffee creamer) is not dignified.

Yelling and cussing at a University Dean (?) because ... um, I actually can't figure out what she's upset about ... is not dignified.

Rosa Parks refused to leave her "colored seating" place on a bus when the driver demanded that she vacate it for some white people. He said "why don't you stand up?", and she said "I don't think I should have to". He told her he was going to call the police, and she said "you may do that." She had more dignity in her little finger than all of the Oregon clowns have put together.

That's why today, more than 60 years after the fact, people still remember what she did. The Oregon dudes will be lucky to be remembered 60 *hours* after their "occupation" of that building ends.


So he left his family over Christmas to go to a remote location and spend his time with a bunch of other like-minded guys, all apparently well supplied with dildoes? Can you say Brokeback Wildlife Refuge.


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If Aliens landed in my backyard and asked me to explain american politics to them, I'd say "Just imagine a toddler with a gun".


See here for a summary. Not the best source ever, but more or less gets the important bits right.


Yelling and cussing at a University Dean (?) because ... um, I actually can't figure out what she's upset about ...


Thanks for that (I think! ) -- that video is certainly guilty of pushing the anti-SJW take rather than just showing what happened, but at least now I understand what she was going on about.

Having figured that out, my only reaction is that if they (the SJW types) get that worked up about something that frivolous, I can't even begin to imagine how they are going to survive in the "real world" after college... Watch that first step outside of the "safe" zone; it's a doozy.


See here for a summary. Not the best source ever, but more or less gets the important bits right.

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