Man flies flag upside down - police remove it

WAUSAU, Wis. – An American flag flown upside down as a protest in a northern Wisconsin village was seized by police before a Fourth of July parade and the businessman who flew it — an Iraq war veteran — claims the officers trespassed and stole his property.

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I thought flying the flag upside down was meant to be a protest against something bigger than a spat with your local village. Regardless, to trample all over his first amendment rights basically for his own good or because someone might be offended is definitely not cool.


Lol, all over a stupid flag stupid over sensitive fascist Americans,

Seems random to have a flag for such a small house as well and then to put a USA flag on it "IM SUPPORTING THE CURRENT MEANING OF THIS FLAG EVERYONE LOOK"

OMG sumone is flying a flag upside down thats so bad it might start a fight !

I could not give a rats ass if sum one burns English flags for a living Evan if they were Muslim suicide bombers that just blow up some trains.


I find the upside-down flag over something that trivial to be crass and offensive, but the cops who took it down need to be fired, and probably charged with some sort of crime (vandalism, theft, censorship, etc.).



It's always good to see the authoritarian statists sending their gang out to rob this man of his property and his first amendment right.

>> ^NetRunner:
I find the upside-down flag over something that trivial to be crass and offensive...

I have to admit, I'm not completely shocked you would say that given your take on people's right to keep their wages and labor. I'm not shocked that you think it's crass and offensive, but that you seem to pass this massive investment loss off as trivial. He invested over $180,000 dollars. This man truly was in distress.

And for those of you not in the know, when the flag is flown upside down it is also a sign of distress, not just a sign of disrespect to a three-colored piece of cloth.


Maybe Westy should crack open a history book. They are full of instances in which one group attacked another over its religion, flag, ethics, savagery, land, and so on.

While the person in question can fly the flag any way he wishs, the proper method is with the blue & stars to the closest part of the flagpole, and the blue facing up to the heavens. The upside down version is usually in protest to a national issue.

Sounds like this man went alittle to far, and should have contacted a lawyer to deal with a local issue, instead of making it a national issue. Likewise, those officers that took the flag, should be arrested, striped of their gun & badge and sent to jail. If the officers had approached the man, explained that flying a flag up-side down, so close and on, the 4th of July, might put him, his wife, and those local in his neighborhood in possible jeapordy, that is one thing. Even explain, that they would protect the man, as much as they could.

But, flying the stars & bars upside down, on the 4th of July, WILL, draw attention. After all, people, celebrating the country's founding, with guns, loaded with beer in their bellies, and every manner of fireworks/ a rescipe for disaster.


^4th of July - Even more reason for him to fly it, so as to get more attention to his "issue". It seems pretty deliberate on his part.

It's not often where it seems like both sides are wrong. One ethically/morally (business owner), one legally/constitutionally (police).

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