Maddow: US quietly testing escalation of war in Pakistan


Pakistan has shut down the Khyber Pass - the crucial over land supply route for NATO operations in Afghanistan in response to increasing American attacks on Pakistani soil.

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:

It's ok, Obama is the peace this must be a mistake.

Really? I seem to remember during the election him promising to escalate the war in Afghanistan and draw down the war in Iraq. Which is what he's done.

It's truly a shame, but I believe he would have been unelectable had he been against both wars. That makes me more disappointed in my country than in him, but there's enough to go around.

But this business with Pakistan is madness. Yes that's where Al-Qaeda is, but we can't just keep bombing them without the populace growing to hate us enough that the politicians can no longer ignore them. Not to mention how fundamentally immoral it is that we've now killed thousands of civilians in our decade long quest for revenge over 9/11.


It's not been limited to Obama, but a long thing in US (and other nation's) history, with the occasional "collateral damage" hidden in diplomatic paperwork.

I think Pakistan "closing down" the land-line to Afghanistan is a mere bargaining chip for reconstruction funds and an attempt to demonstrate its supposed national sovereignty to its own people in light of recent events (the flood-catastrophe, even requiring financial/humanitarian aid from its "nemesis" India).

With the local infrastructure weakened by the floodings Pakistan might even need US intervention to keep local landlords from returning back to power (you might recall something similar happening last year with parts of the pakistan border regions forming a semi-autonomous Islamic-sharia-state).

That's me hoping at least.


Seems to me we are just making Pakistan aware that we aren't going to put up with their harboring of targets any longer. Pakistan has a long history of saying and doing one thing for us and another for other folks. they are our ally in name only...and only as a deterrence for war with India (with china backing that side)

This goes against what I normally feel in these matters but fact is that the Pakistani leadership has been fucking with us and lieing to us about this shit for too long...about time we let them know we are serious.

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