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Louis C.K. Interview By James Poniewozik

YouTube Description:

Louis C.K., stand-up comic, writer, director, and actor, is interviewed by James Poniewozik, journalist and television critic best known for his Time Magazine Tuned In column and blog with the same name. Poniewozik asks the iconic comedian about his work on the hit show Louie. Recorded at The Paley Center for Media in New York City on November 3, 2010 with an introduction by David Bushman, television curator at The Paley Center for Media.

The last question and the answer to it was really great. If you want to succeed in show business, you have to have that "show must go on" attitude where you just don't rest until the shit is done, a genuine interest about the subject and the message. Even if it's a commercial for a local car dealer, that motivation will shine thru. If you don't have that, you're in the wrong line of work. I've never met anyone who has that passion and care to not get a job in the industry and i've seen a lot of arrogant and talented people fail miserably.

That being said, you have to use some elbows every once in a while, step on some toes and be confident of what you do. I'm advancing step by step just because of that genuine care about the message, have only got good reviews (so far, fingers crossed...) Every time i get a new show to do, i'm just so grateful to have that chance, seeing the look on peoples faces when something you did makes them dry or laugh.. That 5 seconds of shared emotion cures all pains.


Funny, I did a search on "Poniewozik" before I posted it, and it turned up nothing (it's in the tags for the other post). It's nice to have as one file, so it's an improvement but otherwise not new. Shall I kill it?


Um is it considered a dupe if all the pieces of this interview are already here?



@bareboards2 When i watched it earlier I considered the possibility of it being a dupe, and in the end would not consider it one. If the other videos would have been put together in a yt playlist in one video sure, but do to it being submitted in multiple parts, I technically would not consider it a dupe. It's not a dupe of any one particular video(part) so i say keep it.


Funny, I did a search on "Poniewozik" before I posted it, and it turned up nothing (it's in the tags for the other post). It's nice to have as one file, so it's an improvement but otherwise not new. Shall I kill it?


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This video has been declared non-functional; embed code must be fixed within 2 days or it will be sent to the dead pool - declared dead by cricket.

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