Local Police Enforcing BP Rules and not Law

BP Oil is using Lousiana cops to enforce BP rules on public property and p[reventing reporters from filming dead oil stained animals.
Last week, Drew Wheelan, the conservation coordinator for the American Birding Association, was filming himself across the street from the BP building/Deepwater Horizon response command in Houma, Louisiana. As he explained to me, he was standing in a field that did not belong to the oil company when a police officer approached him and asked him for ID and “strongly suggest[ed]” that he get lost since “BP doesn’t want people filming”:
Here’s the key exchange:

Wheelan: ”Am I violating any laws or anything like that?”

Officer: ”Um…not particularly. BP doesn’t want people filming.”

Wheelan: ”Well, I’m not on their property so BP doesn’t have anything to say about what I do right now.”

Officer: ”Let me explain: BP doesn’t want any filming. So all I can really do is strongly suggest that you not film anything right now. If that makes any sense.”

Not really! Shortly thereafter, Wheelan got in his car and drove away but was soon was pulled over.

It was the same cop, but this time he had company: Kenneth Thomas, whose badge, Wheelan told me, read “Chief BP Security.” The cop stood by as Thomas interrogated Wheelan for 20 minutes, asking him who he worked with, who he answered to, what he was doing, why he was down here in Louisiana. He phoned Wheelan’s information in to someone. Wheelan says Thomas confiscated his Audubon volunteer badge (he’d recently attended an official Audubon/BP bird-helper volunteer training) and then wouldn’t give it back, which sounds like something only a bully in a bad movie would do. Eventually, Thomas let Wheelan go.
This footage and story should be frightening to everyone who loves their freedom watching it...We should all be asking ourselves, 'How did things dissolve to this point where corporations own the police who enforce rules put forth by the company?h

when will the masses in the US realize who their government really works for
i mean, they aren't even really trying to hide it anymore
and still people are more concerned about celebrity gossip

the rest of the world hates the US because of their apathy/lack of knowledge about their countries foreign policy, and the suffering it causes around the world

they also pity you because you seem to be too apathetic/stupid to see that foreign policy being turned towards 98% of your population

and yet you still believe you are the shining example for the rest of the world

France exercises more democracy than the US, should chose French Fries over the Freedom Fries I guess


Seriously this is just getting ridiculous...we have a constant stream of these videos proving the trampling of rights. Nothing has changed though, there's been no stopping of this, it just keeps going on. Even if someone possibly sues someone over this it'll be months before we get a ruling on it and it won't matter then. Also it'll just be ignored the next time around.

Democracy means we the people are in charge, make our voices heard on this issue and stop this stupidity.

EDIT: Also you have to blame this journalist guy for cooperating with this interrogation that happened afterwords by the BP Security dude. Simply refuse to answer the questions and ask if you're under arrest, if you're not than you can drive away. It's getting really stupid here folks...I'm sick of it.

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