LizaMoon mass injection explained


>> ^arvana:

Yes, I vaguely recall having to be concerned about viruses...
/smug Linux user

(although of course SQL injection can affect any web server with inadequate user-input filtering.)

Why would anyone write a virus that targets less than a 5% desktop user base?


Both Linux and OSX, which share a similar ancestry, are inherently secure. Regardless of the size of their user base, they are never likely to be affected by viruses — if they could be, they would have been long ago.>> ^Truckchase:

Why would anyone write a virus that targets less than a 5% desktop user base?


>> ^arvana:

Both Linux and OSX, which share a similar ancestry, are inherently secure. Regardless of the size of their user base, they are never likely to be affected by viruses — if they could be, they would have been long ago.>> ^Truckchase:
Why would anyone write a virus that targets less than a 5% desktop user base?

Arv, I generally agree with you, (you're a sharp guy! ) but in this case that's simply not true. Security lies in the specifics of a particular implementation, and even the base concepts of this implementation are comparatively untested against this sort of attack. (and rightfully so) I'd argue the point further but that's opening a can of worms that has been opened, discussed, and settled for quite awhile. Note the main reason I brought this up is because I'm a Linux user as well. (as well as all other major OSes) I don't think there is any reason to make (as you admitted) smug comments like that; that attitude has stood as an obstacle to the greater adoption of Linux in the desktop space for years. On top of that broad generalizations representing such a diverse technology environment make baby bunnies cry.

I'm glad you're coding good user input filtering though.


>> ^xxovercastxx:

>> ^Truckchase:
Why would anyone write a virus that targets less than a 5% desktop user base?

Because it would also target about 80% of all web servers?
Why tamper with kitchen faucets when you can poison the water supply?

Absolutely! That's a different attack vector though; this vid is addressing client side desktop infection. (DDOS bot, "security" blackmail, etc.)

Edit: That said though, great point. It is odd that so much effort goes into client infection. It's unfortunate that default firewalling tech on any client isn't to a L7 packet inspection level yet. It would seem to make any client an easier target. mmmmm..._Computers

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