Liz Cheney vs Lawrence O'Donnell on GMA

Being a slimy, repugnant snake-like character seems to run in the family.

Waterboarding is not torture.
Also. The Sky Is Green And Grass Is Blue.

From Wiki. (yes not the de-facto in fact gathering but helpful and does state sources in this article)
Waterboarding is a form of torture that consists of immobilizing the victim on his or her back with the head inclined downwards, and then pouring water over the face and into the breathing passages. By forced suffocation and inhalation of water, the subject experiences drowning and is caused to believe they are about to die. It is considered a form of torture by legal experts.

She should stop reading her script and think for herself, puppet.


ok,can someone tell me what qualification liz cheney has in the matter concerning the defense of waterboarding?
besides being dick cheneys daughter?
thats it?? she gets asked on all these shows to defend this illegal war and illegal interrogations because she is dickie-boys lil girl?
and she infers that she has seen CLASSIFIED documents which may absolve her daddy of any illegalities?
oh good christ on a stick!!
whats next?do milli vanilli have the where-abouts of sadams weapons of mass destruction?
"there is a country-wide debate on whether waterboarding is torture"
NO...there isnt.there is no debate,nor argument.
waterboarding=torture..go check zonbies link.
what the debate is REALLY about is if bybee,addington and woo constructed a defense that will protect people like cheney and rumsfeld from prosecution.
which it will..there is equal justice in america,if you can afford it.

the fact of the matter is that waterboarding was created for the sole purpose of procuring a "false confession",china made it almost into an artform.
there has been no pertinent information garnered from detainess to date concerning terrorist attacks upon US soil.
the "war on terror" is a made up "war",just like the "war" on drugs.
the real reason for the "war on terror" is for defense budget reasons,fear politics and global american hegemony.
and before any of you neo-con "appeasers" attempt to attack my premise,maybe you should know what- the- FUCK a neo-conservative IS before you admonish my standings.
neo-conservative has NOTHING to do with being conservative,nor republican or even christian for that matter.
they were originally considered "neo-LIBERALS"..LIBERALS quantummushroom!!
i call them what they REALLY are...fascists.

this is a media made debate having no real grounds in a true debate.
a polemic meant to bolster ratings and be as divisive as possible,with no real conclusion,compromise or understanding.
in the end we all lose.
fucking media twats......

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