Liquid Stacking

How to stack liquid in a bottle. A neat experiment.

Who the hell measures volume by weight? Like "30oz" volume of corn syrup is the same weight as the same amount of vegetable oil?

How about using the metric system already? It's just unbelievable that one country refuses to budge and does things in the most complicated manner possible causing lots of confusion. Who the hell measures short distances in fractions when we got nice and neat decimal system that allow for precise and instantly understandable figures? 2.22cm is 2.22cm, no need to figure it out in your head or rely on memorization of large tables. Fast, how much is 7/8"?


As with much of what's wrong with America today, it can all be traced back to Ronald Reagan.


Who the hell measures volume by weight? Like "30oz" volume of corn syrup is the same weight as the same amount of vegetable oil?

How about using the metric system already? It's just unbelievable that one country refuses to budge and does things in the most complicated manner possible causing lots of confusion. Who the hell measures short distances in fractions when we got nice and neat decimal system that allow for precise and instantly understandable figures? 2.22cm is 2.22cm, no need to figure it out in your head or rely on memorization of large tables. Fast, how much is 7/8"?


Nobody measures volume by weight. When measuring liquids you are using fluid ounces which are a measure of volume not weight. Not saying it's a good system, just thought you should have your facts straight.


Who the hell measures volume by weight? Like "30oz" volume of corn syrup is the same weight as the same amount of vegetable oil?

How about using the metric system already? It's just unbelievable that one country refuses to budge and does things in the most complicated manner possible causing lots of confusion. Who the hell measures short distances in fractions when we got nice and neat decimal system that allow for precise and instantly understandable figures? 2.22cm is 2.22cm, no need to figure it out in your head or rely on memorization of large tables. Fast, how much is 7/8"?

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