Lincoln Assassination Eyewitness (Feb 9, 1956)


This is definitely some *quality television.

I love examples of how "short" history actually is.

We have here a video recording of a man who was alive before the existence, politically speaking, of nations like Italy and Canada. He was born before the invention of dynamite and he coexisted with people who knew Napoleon personally. That stuff blows my mind.


>> ^Skeeve:

This is definitely some quality television.
I love examples of how "short" history actually is.
We have here a video recording of a man who was alive before the existence, politically speaking, of nations like Italy and Canada. He was born before the invention of dynamite and he coexisted with people who knew Napoleon personally. That stuff blows my mind.

indeed, about 5ish years ago, i was having dinner at a buffet and this older lady and gentlemen walked in followed by two other older ladies, i learned from the older man that he was 96, the smaller lady was his wife who was 104 (she looks about 70ish) and the two other women was there daughters who were each in there 60's, i sat there just dumbfounded at all the history these four new as "life" and all i had were crappy books and lame ass teachers in school.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'assassination, lincoln, john wilks booth, ford theater' to 'assassination, lincoln, john wilkes booth, ford theater, witness, 1865' - edited by lucky760

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