Let's All Hate Toronto

George S. Interviews them here.
The two guys who made the film are Albert Nerenberg and Rob Spence.


This is pretty hilarious to me.
I'm from the States originally, but moved to Calgary AB about a year ago. My girlfriend's family all hates Toronto, and when asked why, they surely give me a ton of reasons. Some made sense, and some were presented as jokes.

It seems, from what I understand, that everyone hates Toronto because it presents itself as the center of the Universe?

Also, my girlfriend's dad hates the place because whenever there's a Calgary Flames game going on at the same time as a Toronto Maple Leafs, every canadian hockey station will never fail to pick up the Leafs game, leaving the Flames completely unaired on any station.

In any case, regardless of the reasons, I never knew of this until I actually moved up here. How an entire country can have so many issues, but consistently unite together in the hatred of one of it's cities. That's pure gold, right there.


First answer, "because we feel nothing but pity for Montreal after the raw deal they got from the separatists".

Second answer, "because provincialism never dies, just ask Paris."

BTW, Abel, here's a telling response - it's not just "one of it's cities" - it's the largest most successful and cosmopolitan city in the country."

Same way how small town folk are afraid of places like NYC.

Torontonians visit NYC and go, "yeah, it's all super dense and that's cool", but it's basically home on steroids with less trees.


Ahh, see! I was missing the political reasons about it. All my girlfriend's dad rages on about is that his hockey team isn't on TV because of them

Thanks, Krupo. Being new to Canada, I'm just getting used to the politics.


I think it's analagous to kids being jealous of the most popular kid in school. Toronto just gets all the attention (and gov't money) because it's the biggest place in Canada.

Everybody else just lives in igloos!


Bring the hate! As a lifetime Torontonian, the only argument that I can understand for hating Toronto is the Hockey Night in Toronto thing. When I went out west during the playoffs a few years ago, that was the biggest legitimate gripe and I totally agree.

That being said, being heckled through two hockey games by some loser in an Edmonton bar because of where I happened to pop out of a womb really didn't teach me much except that people who suck live everywhere, not just Toronto.

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