Laptops Can Cause 'Toasted Skin Syndrome'

YouTube/AssociatedPress: Have you ever worked on your laptop computer with it sitting on your lap, heating up your legs? If so, you might want to rethink that habit. (Oct. 4)

The infertility is caused by the ambient heat generated by the laptop. The function of the scrotum is to keep the testicles at a slightly lower temperature than the rest of the body. This lower temperature is more ideal for spermatogenesis, and anything that alters that temperature homeostasis is bound to have negative effects on sperm production.

The cancer risk? I'd like to see the medical journal that proved this and look at their numbers to see what kind of confidence interval and power they're working with to try and prove this. Honestly almost everything can be linked to causing cancer, and from my understanding of this they probably are linking long-term physical damage (ie. Toasted Skin Syndrome) and how that can lead to faster cell turnover which can increase cancer risk.


Two things to say:

1 - Putting a pillow underneath your computer reduces airflow to the computer and raises heat levels inside the machine. Increased heat in the computer leads to shorter life (heat damages parts) and/or lower processing speed (most computers now will trade off processing power for heat reduction).

2 - They refer to "laptops", and show mostly Macs. Apple actually stopped calling them "laptops" many years ago for just this reason. If you Google search "apple laptop", you'll find links to pages on Apple's site, including their store. But once you get to their actual site, you won't find the term "laptop" anywhere.

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