Kucinich owns canidates who supported war, patriot act etc..

Dennis Kucinich slams the other candidates who have flip flopped on Iraq, the Patriot Act, Yucca Mountain, and China trade. Demands impeachment now for Bush and Cheney. During the 11/15/07 debate.

Hey everybody.....get on the impeach everyone bandwagon, that'll free up the spot for the next circus of error, and business as usual -choggie

to put this all in context Clinton was impeached for lying about a BJ. Bush won't get impeached for lying about threats to our country and killing tens of thousands of people in his unjust war on "terror". I'm terrified of how this country is being run, but the even more alarming part is comments like this that protect someone who is destroying our own country. until we wake up and start demanding that these actions be corrected then it will be bussiness as usual. lastly, if you're going to post three comments in a row at least make sure that you're intelligible.


guessandcheck, that is not a fair comparison. You see Clinton lied "under oath" and that is why he was impeached. Bush and Cheney didn't lie under oath because they refuse to testify under oath...in fact they refuse to let anyone that has anything to do with their lies testify under oath either...all under the umbrella of "executive privilege".


jwray, with that impeccable line of reasoning, will you have the shit sandwich, or the shit foie gras, in aspic??

This pep-rally bullshit, is no way to make a decision for the next exec. The way to do it, is to sit back, relax, and let the next in-bed, appointee, lull you into a sense of trust and satisfaction, in the U.S. political system.

The next player, will be in office, because they have been groomed for it....and placed there

the blame game, only works, when you know the actual state of affairs, not simply what you are told to think.

I am not a neo-con, i am not affiliated with any party, and don't vote, so all the pity or anger or assumption is unnecessary. Politicians are tools.All of them. They march to the beat of their own, mini-empire, as they have thrained their constituents to do, albeit in microcosmic form....sound communist??? well they are cocksuckers as well....

The pun unintelligible, guessandcheck, is "....now Polly-ticks". as in the fucking bird swallowed a watch, as in politics are about as easily manipulated as words......no explanation needed for DK being a tool, and Hillary winning the election-this shit is a given-watch and see, bookmark this, then come back and talk after the farcelections. (who knows, perhaps she will fuck herself up, on camera, and they'll have to go to plan B)

Bush knew he'd be a scapegoat, when he signed up for the party....the private family party. Fuck Bushes, and Fuck the Clintons, these are creatures nothing like you and I, and above the law.


I almost upvoted Choggie's post just because he surprised me and chose not to use the word 'paradigm' for a change. (Choggie watches The Matrix every night before bed.)

Choggie wrote (re Kucinich): "...and a man of flexible character..."

That's a pretty meaningless criticism. (One could just as soon say of a politician that he/she's of inflexible character.) The guy stood his ground and refused to privatize Cincinnati's municipal electical utility, pissing off enough powerful people that the mafia had a contract out on him. Pretty flexible indeed. *rolls eyes*

"He was elected mayor of Cleveland in 1977 on the promise to save the city’s municipally-owned electric system which offered customers significantly lower rates than the private utility. A year later, Cleveland’s banks demanded that he sell the city’s 70 year-old municipally-owned electric system to its private competitor (in which the banks had a financial interest) as a precondition of extending credit to the city.

The attempted political blackmail failed as did several assassination attempts. He remembered his parents counting out coins on the dresser and refused to sell the people’s power. In an incident unprecedented in modern American politics, the Cleveland banks plunged the city into default for a mere $15 million despite being offered triple collateral to protect the loan.

The principled stand destroyed his political career. He lost his reelection bid. He was demonized as the mayor who threw Cleveland into default. Fifteen years later, the citizens of Cleveland - recognizing he had saved them hundreds of millions of dollars in municipal power bills and also forced the private utility to keep bills low to compete – voted him into the Ohio Senate. His campaign signs featured a light bulb and the expression “Because he was right.” In 1998 the Cleveland City Council honored Dennis for “..having the courage and foresight to refuse to sell the city’s municipal electric system.”


Give me a break!!! You are honestly supporting someone who wants a Department of Peace!?!?! Give me a break!! He's seen a UFO, he wants to heal all wounds...whatever..... guess what gov't can do when they try to fix personal ives.... get it wrong.... give it up...


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