
Have to say that this comes across as more of a rant than anything intellectually stimulating or thought provoking. Whether he was really killed or not nobody will probably ever know, so there's no point claiming the people that don't believe he was are idiots.


>> ^ghark:

Have to say that this comes across as more of a rant than anything intellectually stimulating or thought provoking. Whether he was really killed or not nobody will probably ever know, so there's no point claiming the people that don't believe he was are idiots.

1.He was killed.
2.People who don't believe it are idiots.

Yup, still worth pointing it out.


>> ^BicycleRepairMan:

>> ^ghark:
Have to say that this comes across as more of a rant than anything intellectually stimulating or thought provoking. Whether he was really killed or not nobody will probably ever know, so there's no point claiming the people that don't believe he was are idiots.

1.He was killed.
2.People who don't believe it are idiots.
Yup, still worth pointing it out.

Each to their own, I don't care whether he's dead or not, because it's not why the troops were sent there to begin with, but people that demand evidence are thinking more clearly than those that pump their fists and get all euphoric about a death that there is no proof even happened.


A little too rant-y for my tastes....

I suspect this has been said elsewhere, but I haven't seen it:

For those idiots out there who doubt whether Bin Laden was killed or not, please apply your own twisted conspiracy logic.

If Obama was going to concoct this whole scam, why didn't he wait until say, oh, October 15, 2012? Isn't that a much better date for him? Doing it now doesn't buy him votes -- look at what happened to George HW Bush. Went from what, 90% approval after Gulf War I to losing the election? Much better to time this later, if the point is to game the election.

And I have seen this elsewhere, but only once -- if Bin Laden hadn't been killed, how incredibly stupid would Obama look if Bin Laden popped up saying nanner nanner boo boo? So easy to prove our government as liars; why would we do such a boneheaded move?

But then, being stupid is the balliwick of conspiracy theorists.


"death that there is no proof even happened."

Except of course the photos of his dead body that are confirmed by several sources in the US government, Statements by Pakistani intelligence confirming they have his wife and kids in custody, witnesses live-tweeting the raid, pictures of his dead guards/men in the compound, confirmation by Al Qaeda.. Add that to the whole "How fucking retarded would it be to fake it"- question that bareboards2 describes, and "no evidence" isnt really a good description of what we have.

Sure, you could say the photos might be evidence, but in an age of Photoshop and whatever, how is this gonna count as evidence for the conspiracy nut? The truth is that if they did kill bin Laden (and they did), there is no way to prove it to people who don't regard as evidence the amount of information thats already out there now.

If you dont believe it now, you never will.


>> ^xxovercastxx:
>> ^ghark:a death that there is no proof even happened. What sort of proof do you want?

What sort of proof does Pat Condell want that there's a God?

Sad that he can recognize the appeal to authority fallacy when it applies to a religion but not when it applies to the government. He's putting his personal bias against the Muslim faith ahead of reason and rational thought.


>> ^xxovercastxx:
>> ^ghark:a death that there is no proof even happened. What sort of proof do you want?

What sort of proof does Pat Condell want that there's a God?

Sad that he can recognize the appeal to authority fallacy when it applies to a religion but not when it applies to the government. He's putting his personal bias against the Muslim faith ahead of reason and rational thought.



There is more than one fallacy involved in believeing in god(s) and one of the more interesting ones is the failure to use Occams Razor. There's an awful amount of stuff you have to assume, if there is a god, like how did something intelligent exist before matter,space and time did? How can god allow evil (you often see otherwise intelligent believers spending hours on this "problem", ending up with nothing but fuzzy babble) What is our real purpose in life? and so on. These things are only problems if you assume that there is a god . If you assume no god, theres actually a lot less to explain. Occams Razor saiz: there probably is no god.

Now try applying this same principle to the "existence" of the killing of Osama bin Laden, now you can see that the opposite is true: There is an awful amount of explaining and mind-churning to do if we assume that the whole thing was an elaborate hoax, like the things @bareboards2 and myself mentioned in the previous posts.

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