John Stossel on Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged

"John Stossel on Fox Business Channel. Thurs, Jan 7, 2010. Atlas Shrugged Special. " [/yt]

Let's see. Fox News? Check. John Stossel? Check. Ayn Rand? Check. Anti-nanny state sentiments? Check. Yep, this has all the makings of a video that won't do well at all on VideoSift. Still, very awesome.

Part 5 was quite interesting when Nick Gillespie from Reason Magazine was talking about seatbelts and cell phone laws. I was particularly worried at first that he was for those laws, which he was, then when he explained how laws for the greater good and with the best of intentions lead to problems of state intrusion, it made more sense to me then.

The real problem with Objectivism is that it's completely and utterly unrealistic...just like Communism. Likely this is due to the fact that Objectivism wasn't created as a philosophy on its own merits, it was created solely in an attempt to ensure that Communism would [not]* affect anyone else. Rand was profoundly twisted by her family's interactions with a Communist government, but that hardly excuses turning a blind eye to every possible good that government might accomplish.

If nothing else, plain history shows that private enterprise does -not- solve every problem...every single case of "the commons" is not going to be solved without some collective action (read that as government). the absence of regulations forcing the external costs to be paid by the producer, it's always cheaper to dump toxic wastes than to be clean. It's always cheaper for a for-profit insurance company to refuse to pay than it is to provide health care for the seriously ill. Private enterprise does well when people have many choices of fungible fails utterly when they don't.

Rand was a loon, and those who swallow this koolaid are either willfully blind, or delusional.

* Edited to add the missing "not" in that statement the first time through.


"There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year-old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs."

Nothing to do with Rand, of course, but here is a compelling debate between David Horowitz and Michael Albert:


Just because it isn't a moral philosophy that you or I totally agree with doesn't mean it isn't worthy of its place in history. I don't agree with post-modernism, but I would still label all discussions involving it as a discussion of philosophy.


Seeing the Fox News bug at the bottom of the screen tends to fill me with a cerebral discontent, as if by watching and actually enjoying anything from this news network I am somehow awful for it.

But once I can get past that I tend to enjoy the shows with John Stossel and Judge Napolitano.


This a thinly-veiled polemic, not unlike the book itself. developed to cater to the "radical self-interests" of the conservative movement. Rand, herself, was a stricken & bitter woman whose work served to undercut her own "self-interest," thereby undermining the vision that she, herself, didn't fully understand.

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