Jim Carroll - People Who Died


This video includes many clips from the Leonardo DiCaprio movie, "Basketball Diaries."

If you watch closely, you'll see a few seconds of a controversial scene mentioned in the Wikipedia article about the movie:

"Controversy arose again in the wake of the Columbine High School massacre on April 20, 1999. The film contains a dream sequence in which Jim enters his school while wearing a black trenchcoat and shoots several students and teachers with a shotgun while his friends cheer him on."



Saving this video from queue deletion, sending it to the top of the queue for one more try. Originally submitted on Saturday 30th December 2006 (save called by gold star member dotdude)


Sucks in Basketball Diaries that Leonardo DiCaprio got the lead. Jim Carroll was so ugly they blurred his face in this video and in the movie he's movie star gorgeous.

We need more ugly actors for da realism.


Saving this video from queue deletion, sending it to the top of the queue for one more try. Originally submitted on Monday 8th January 2007 (save called by gold star member MLx)


Classic, One of my favorites...
By all rights, Jim should have died of drug abuse years ago. I'm glad he didn't!
Also, see him perform this live in the moie Tuff Turf (1985) along witht he song 'Voices'.

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