Jethro Tull - "Locomotive Breath" live, 1978

One of my favorite songs from one of the best prog rock bands. Watch Martin Barre wail on the guitar while Ian Anderson wails on the flute. No one could rock the flute like that crazy pied piper.

*throws his bra at the stage* Seriously good stuff. And hooray for the days when musicians actually played their instruments and sang without the aid of pitch lockers.


As the bassist, Dave Pegg said, "people don't realize how musical Ian is. A lot of that stuff on the records, it's right off the top of his head."

In fact, Thick as a Brick was pretty much written that way. The band had the studio for about 2 weeks, Ian would get up every morning and write music for 2 or 3 hours, and then take it to the studio for rehearsing and recording. 40 minutes of music was composed, rehearsed and recorded within 2 weeks. Pretty amazing stuff.

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