Japan: Dog Refuses to Leave Friend Behind


this is the story that is appearing in a lot of places:

UPDATE: An unconfirmed report states the two dogs have been rescued. Kenn Sakurai, whose Facebook page describes him as the president of a Japanese pet food company who is helping with the rescue of animals, reports on Facebook that the two dogs have been rescued:

“We have already got these dog … Both dogs brought to Mito, Ibaraki. One is staying at the vet clinic and the brown and white one is at the shelter,” he wrote.

dunno if it's true though.


I saw this live on TV here. I cried. Somehow, that dog putting his arm around his pal just totally expressed the way the Japanese are reacting to this disaster--we are all in this together and we will get each other through it.

Many of the foreign residents here, on the other hand, have been embarrassingly borderline hysterical and for the most part can only think of saving themselves by fleeing the country as soon as possible. Part of the problem is the Western news is purposely sensationalizing the situation out here. Make no mistake, it's serious. But it seems like news writers can't resist writing the word "Chernobyl" in every single article when the scale of the problems at the Fukushima plant aren't anywhere near that bad.

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