JFK Assassination: Secret Service Standdown


What a useless comment. It is suspicious footage. And what's wrong with one reaching his own conclusion?

On a side note, in this video, you can see where the Secret Service agent should have been positioned on the back of the car.


Do you have any actual evidence of a conspiracy that moved those Secret Service agents away from the car? Maybe, since JFK was in Dallas to bolster support for his re-election, he didn't want Secret Service agents all over the car, so folks could get a better look at him and his wife. Maybe it was something as simple as that.

Again, like with all the ridiculous 9/11 conspiracy videos you post, you have to bring some actual evidence to back up your claims. Not just, "well that was odd" and "that sure seems suspicious", and then leave it open to interpretation.


>> ^IronDwarf:
Do you have any actual evidence of a conspiracy that moved those Secret Service agents away from the car? Maybe, since JFK was in Dallas to bolster support for his re-election, he didn't want Secret Service agents all over the car, so folks could get a better look at him and his wife. Maybe it was something as simple as that.
Again, like with all the ridiculous 9/11 conspiracy videos you post, you have to bring some actual evidence to back up your claims. Not just, "well that was odd" and "that sure seems suspicious", and then leave it open to interpretation.

No, obviously I do not. Maybe it is as simple as you say, although I do doubt it. But I don't know, I just posted a video. I'm not trying to be Jim Garrison here. I'm not trying to outright prove a conspiracy, I'm not even sure one ever existed. But I find the evidence for one to be at times both compelling and curious. Do some of your own research, I'd bet you'll feel the same way. But don't ask me to do it for you - again, I just posted a video, not some research paper to be peer-reviewed. Lighten up, by the way.


My question is why would they break protocol? The vehicle was obviously designed with the intention of having bodies there to protect the presidents weakest point.

I don't correlate the service men being in on a conspiracy but I do think that the decision made that day was a bad one.

The One who shrugged his shoulders new his duty, and he should have told his superior to fuck off.

In some cases principle can mean the difference.
It is arguable, clearly, that the treasury department men being present at their stations could have saved that mans life.

The secret service was transferred from the Treasury Department to Homeland Security in 2002.



I got a conspiracy for you, Irondwarf is a paid goverment internet troll...It only makes sense since he is always the opposing view on anything conspiracy related..... I am just saying.....


>> ^IronDwarf:
Do you have any actual evidence of a conspiracy that moved those Secret Service agents away from the car? Maybe, since JFK was in Dallas to bolster support for his re-election, he didn't want Secret Service agents all over the car, so folks could get a better look at him and his wife. Maybe it was something as simple as that.
Again, like with all the ridiculous 9/11 conspiracy videos you post, you have to bring some actual evidence to back up your claims. Not just, "well that was odd" and "that sure seems suspicious", and then leave it open to interpretation.

What cracks me up is you guys get so bent out of shape because we question the official story(s) when it's applicable to ask questions. There are discrepancies in both the Kennedy assassination and 9/11 that deserve to be questioned. If you think we are "crackpots" or "nutcases" for asking questions, then so be it. It matters not what you think. The "facts" remain to be questioned regardless of your opinion.


The SS was highly negligent at best when it comes to Kennedy's trip to Dallas. This is only one of a number of significant breaks from protocol.

There would normally have been a "curfew" for the agents the night before the parade but that was lifted and several of them stayed out late.

The SS had the limo cleaned and the damage repaired first thing the next morning before a forensic investigator saw it.

Do these things prove a conspiracy? No, but they at least show a level of incompetence that would get you fired from McDonald's.


Personally, I don't see how anybody can look at the Kennedy assassination and think that there wasn't a conspiracy.

It's a strange phobia that refuses to believe that clandestine agents are capable of working in unison.


I'm starting to hope JFK got fucking murdered. He started one of the worst mass murders in all of human history. If someone took it upon themselves to murder George W. I don't think I'd give a shit either way.

EDIT: Furthermore I'd like 1 person to point out a reason to kill JFK. I've never heard a convincing reason that isn't simply a rewrite of history claiming that he wanted to pull out of Vietnam, which he didn't and wasn't going to.

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