Vimeo description:
Their world is in the grip of a lethal outbreak. A mysterious blue substance is leading to catastrophic destruction. Who is behind it all?
Client: Channel 4 Television / CRUK
Product: Stand Up to Cancer
Title: ‘Payback Time’
Length: 120”, 90”cd, 60”cd, 40”cd, 20”cd
Agency: 4Creative
Creative Directors: Chris Bovill / John Allison
Creative: Pablo Gonzalez de la Pena
Agency Producer: Shananne Lane
Group Business Director: Olivia Browne
Business Director: Kuba Wieczorek
Group Marketing Manager: Charlie Palmer
Marketing Manager: Daisy Mount
Production Company: Nexus
Director: Smith & Foulkes
ECD: Chris O’Reilly
Producer: Tracey Cooper
Production Manager: Fernanda Garcia Lopez
Technical Director: Dave Walker
Art Director: Daniel Burgess
Design: Renaud Futterer
Character Modeler: Sohrab Esfehani
Character Modeler: Denis Bodart
Modeler: Margherita Balestri
Animator: Dominic Griffths
Animator: Sergei Shabarov
Rigger & Animator: Paul Tempelman
Animator: Benoit Lecailtel
Matte Painter: Adam Willis
Matte Painter: Yohann Auroux
Texture Artist: Camille Fourniols
Texture Artist: Alex Veux
Texture Artist: Roxane Martinez
L&R: Michal Firkowski
L&R: Denis Bodart
L&R: Francois Mancone
L&R: Camille Fourniols
L&R: Jeremi Boutelet
Compositor: Elliott Kajdan
Compositor: Rob Ward
VFX: Claire Pegorier
VFX: Thanos Topouzis
Editor: Paul Hardcastle @ TRIM
Grade: Mike Skrgatic @ Time Based Arts
Sound Design & Mix: Anthony Moore, Dan Beckwith & Tom Joyce @ Factory
Sound Producer: Lou Allen @ Factory
Music Production: Company: SIREN
Music Producer: Sean Atherton & Sian Rogers
Music Composed by: Alex Baranowski
Music Production Company: SIREN
Music Producer: Sean Atherton & Sian Rogers
Music Composed by: Alex Baranowski
Live Action Production Company: 4Creative
Live Action Director: Keith McCarthy
Live action Producer: Shananne Lane
Director of Photography: Christopher Sabogal
Live Action VFX: MPC
Live Action Grading: George K @ MPC
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