Iraqis turn from violence to join with Americans

interesting, to say the least.

I remember hearing about things like this awhile back. Not on the scale of having a full sized former militia fighting force, but more like getting the support of tribal leaders. Basically the military talks to leaders in different communities, they learn what the people need, and then provide it for them. Things like proper irrigation, power, or other necessities. I hope they can keep up the trend and get more groups like this to openly support the US. It makes things a lot easier when terrorist groups are pushed out by a community and not just US military force.


Yeah, well, I can't wait until all of those Iraqi soldiers come to my country, bomb it, give my kids bubble gum, bomb them later, and kick my door down looking for a "bad guy."

What's not to love?


Ugh, MGR how far up your own arse is your head? Trust me on this, they still don't like the foreign invaders. Note how no-one is actually thanking Americans for the situation in that town.
It's a text book case of if you can't beat them, join them.

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