Enthusiast invents body protection: real life Halo

The blowtorch to the head is even more amazing, if you ask me. But $2000 Canadian is pretty amazing for all this stuff.

I'll take that contract, you crazy canuck! If anyone ever invades Canada, this guy will be the action hero that Robocops the country to victory! He's a quack now, but you just wait! He'll one day be a Canadian Hero!


Tags for this video have been changed from 'blow torch to head, Trojan, shrapnel, exoskeleton, gadget' to 'blow torch to head, Trojan, shrapnel, exoskeleton, gadget, troy hurtubise, nutbar' - edited by therealblankman


Yeah if this thing works and is really only $2,000, then every military in the world will have their soldiers suited up in something like this. I'm thinking it doesn't work and any kind of high penetration-style bullet will go right through it.


>> ^BillOreilly:
This is a bunch of bull. $2000 for a suit? It needs to be at least $150,000 before the US military would consider buying some.

Okay, writing down the date. This would be the first time I've agreed with Bill... lol.

BTW, enthusiast is Canadian for 'whacko'.


>> ^Bigboomer:
He only mentioned its capable of stopping shotgun / small arms fire... Vest's that stop rifle rounds start at 50lbs alone.

Um, no. Try 7 lbs.

One SAPI plate (small arms protective insert) - a ceramic plate weighs 7 lbs. The vest they go in is about 4-5.


I love all the redonkulous extra crap he puts on it. Whee, flashing lights! R/C car! Salt compartment! "The guys go crazy!" (What does that even mean? It sounds like he's trying to convey that the soldiers of tomorrow will really like the salt compartment. Personally I've never caught myself wishing for one.)

Srsly tho, most of that gimmicky crap will break right away or will never work in the first place... and/or it's stuff you don't even need.

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