Insert Coin (Machinima) -- A 8-bit trip.


So does this have a name?

Here are some suggestions:

CArt (coin art)
G-CArt (graphical coin art)
PCGI (projector-coin generated imagery
SMCPNCBIRLPBA (stop motion coin placement non computer based in real life picture based awesomeness)
LTNSFBARGDCPCGBOARGCPS (long time no see friends but awesome result geek driven coin placement color guided based on a real game coin picture show)

Personally I'm leaning towards the last one, I think it's very catchy.


>> ^marinara:

BS. They just ran some video through a filter so it looked like coins

I figured the same thing - It looks like computer animation.
But the last minute where they describe how they did it makes perfect sense and explains why it looks like it was made by a computer. Essentially they used a computer animation, projected it and then traced it.

Tons of work, but you have to wonder why. The computer version would have looked just fine and the "tracing" didn't really ad anything. I think it would have been more successful if they used something more articulate than the dots from the coins. The method has potential and I commend their determination but... Meh on the final product!

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