"I'll Not Yield" - Wendy Davis Takes A Stand In Texas

This video mashup shows how it all went down in Texas. The liars tried to pass this draconian anti-abortion bill in the dead of night and overturn the filibuster. Just watch!

Umm, no. Where do you get your news? Fox?

Something similar will probably be passed, but SB5 is dead. Perry enacted a new session, giving them the month of July to make and pass a new bill.


It's a nice story, but the bill was approved the very next day. Elections have consequences.


So, uh, who the fuck are you to go off on me like this? The bill didn't pass the next day, it passed a few days later. Either way her performance was ineffectual. Kinda like your arrogance.

And I say "elections have consequences" because elections have consequences. Because when Texas merely sits on it's ass as the elites erode rights, there are consequences.


Umm, no. Where do you get your news? Fox?

Something similar will probably be passed, but SB5 is dead. Perry enacted a new session, giving them the month of July to make and pass a new bill.

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