AMAZING cover... with a slight distraction....


It's not a full cover but a two part cover

First part: Meteor Shower
Second part: Fireflies

Both from Ocean Eyes album by Owl City.

Probably would be interesting if they kept it on Meteor Shower, as Fireflies has been played and heard a lot but not many has heard some of the other melodies which are just as great.


...and you can edit a post for minutes after posting to correct things or not double post.

Now, I know there is a limit on channels, but comedy seems to out rank some of them in this case.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'fireflies, wii, tuxedo, wait what the' to 'fireflies, wii, tuxedo, wait what the, disembodied hand' - edited by calvados


Tags for this video have been changed from 'fireflies, wii, tuxedo, wait what the, disembodied hand' to 'fireflies, owl city cover, wii, tuxedo, wait what the, disembodied hand' - edited by calvados

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