How Pets Can Protect You Before You're Born

Dirt is a good thing ... right?

Well you could have been like myself, horrible sinus allergies to smoke, dander, pollen, food additives, etc., until my body turned-on the immunities to everything-Now I only suffer very slightly from the most intense outbreaks of allergens that most people around me during the same outbreaks suffer terribly from.

My worst allergies as an adult are to my fellow Americans, who grow more intolerable every day.


No wonder I have allergies. I was born and stayed in clean environments for months due to my disabilities.


For me, it got worse.


Well you could have been like myself, horrible sinus allergies to smoke, dander, pollen, food additives, etc., until my body turned-on the immunities to everything-Now I only suffer very slightly from the most intense outbreaks of allergens that most people around me during the same outbreaks suffer terribly from.

My worst allergies as an adult are to my fellow Americans, who grow more intolerable every day.

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