BuzzFeed: Just in time for Valentine's Day, here's a montage of some of Hollywood's greatest love speeches. Someone pass me a handkerchief. [Ed. note: Or the vomit bag. Your call.]
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Cut by Matthew Belinkiewww.overthinkingit.comTRANSCRIPT: I've been doing a lot of thinking, and the thing is, I love you. You are the epitome of everything I've ever looked for in another human being. Love is too weak a word for the way I feel. I lurv you. I loave you. I luff you. I sort of feel like I'm on drugs when I'm when you. Not that I do drugs, unless you do drugs, in which case I do drugs all the time. There's only one place in the world I call home and it's because you're there. I'd feel better sitting outside your apartment on the curb than any other place I can think of or imagine. I'm not waking up another morning without being able to look at you next to me. I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone. Can't you see what I'm trying to tell you, I love you! Very much. No other love but you. I love you. Like a sickness and its cure together. I love you. (Ditto.) I should have told you every day from the moment I met you. You complete me. Te adoro, Maria. I love you Chicken. I love you Honey Bunny. I think that's the only thing I've ever been really sure of in my entire life. You are the woman that I want. How many more times do I have to say it? (One more time would be nice.) You have bewitched me, body and soul. Whatever I am... I'm yours. I am...
ArkaiumI find it slightly annoying when clips are all obviously slightly sped up, increasing the pitch of the audio to a noticeably, annoyingly inaccurate high.
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PlayhousePalsYou had me at ... vomit bag =o/
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