Holy warriors in the US armed forces

Does the world need any more religion fueled armies?

Downvote. Sorry, Fedquip, nothing personal, I just couldnt stand to listen to that asshole anymore. I can tell you from personal experience, and I'm sure that MG and anyone who served can back me up, the military doesn't go around shoving church down your throat. This asshole is sitting here propagating a truck full of *lies, to scare people. I can hardly formulate a coherent thought at the moment I'm so pissed.


Cheese, I know there is religion in the military, I am not disputing that.

Fequip, I say lies because this guy is spewing his bullshit about how these right wing religious sects are trying to take over the military and force everyone to adopt their beliefs. This is quite the opposite of the truth, and is therefor a lie.


I know it’s just a gut feeling, but I do think it’s kind of a hazard to allow a group calling itself Campus Crusade for Christ Military Ministry (www.militaryministry.org) to carry weapons in a predominantly non-Christian country. If not for anything else, at least for marketing purposes ;-).


Yeah, no. A185 is right. I have never seen or heard of anyone being forced to church or to even listen to anything even resembling a religious teaching. What this ass is doing is taking their statements and assuming they are literal.

Like the whole Christian Officers raising up a "Godly army" - more often than not, "army" is used as a figure of speech, much like saying "spiritual armor". No, there aren't any +5 vs. Evil breastplates of divinity available for sale at your local church.

Even if the word army was to be taken literally, that doesn't mean that they are trying to convert anyone, especially forcibly. It's as simple as saying they want to take the pre-existing believers and help them keep their faith.


I can't speak for the current military environment because I've been out of the Navy since 1990, but when I was in there were a few times when holy rollers of superior rank tried to "gently persuade" to come to church. Yes, they were "gentle" about it, but it was still very uncomfortable, to say the least. I weaseled my way out of it each time, but it pissed me off that I had to "weasel" my way out of it in the first place. Like he said, I couldn't exactly tell my superiors to get their Bible the fuck out of my face.

I don't care if Christians, Jews, Muslims, Wiccans, etc, form their own religious groups in the military, but I do resent it when they start proselytizing in the ranks.


I do think he is exaggerating a little bit so i can see where MG and others are coming from. They have experience in that. However to deny that there is a problem (even though its not as big as he might make it out to be) is still unwise. To say that religion plays absolutely no role in not only our leaders decisions but our solders as well is folly. It will always be there but its important to keep it in check. Of course this doesnt pertain to all of them, probably not even majority but its still dangerous when religion is mixed with government and especially a fighting force. His strongest point I think (no not the lame Hitler argument yet again) is reasons why the founders probably wrote it in the constitution in the first place, no matter how small it starts out it can lead to trouble.


He didn't say it was the same in every military unit, MG. One out of three military sifters had a problem with religion in the military, but that's not a statistically significant sample size.

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