Hijab, Niqab or Nothing

Just watch how these 3 ladies response.

Below are concerning the mandatory of Hijab that Allah & His Rasul commanded.

from my understanding,the coverings originally were meant as a sign of respect but not mandatory.of course with many religious scriptures this was taken to its extreme and made cause to become mandatory in some islamic communities.
what many westerners see today is not indicative of the egalitarian society that islam brought to not only women,but the nomadic arabs as a whole.
it was nice to see these women explain the choice they made and show that it is not a mandatory subscription.


7:44-7:55 is the best logical answer I've heard for wearing the hijab. Basing your answer on "because god told me so" is just as illogical as Christians saying homosexuality is evil, or any of the other myriad of theological fallacies. Listen to yourself, not someone/something else.


Sheikha makes a good point in that it's not so different from talking to someone on the phone. I have to say, for me at least, I find it difficult to communicate well over the phone because of the missing visual communication. I find it uncomfortable to talk to someone in a mask at a costume party as well, because so much feedback is just plain missing.

I suppose it's something you get accustomed to if it's common where you live.


(1) isn't it improper for a man to talk to a woman in a niqab unless her family member is there or some other woman... So, wtf is all this shit about judging her by her blah blah on the street. She can't even answer a stranger on the street or talk to them, so duh..

(2) isn't the hijab more related to the orthodox jewish idea of covering the hair? Isn't that the purpose, I thought a hijab is mostly to cover the woman hair. That's why it has regional differences on how much of the face/hair needs to be covered... Hijab has nothing to do with Quran or covering the face (if so they would all be veils)


"Two of these women are alien to western civilization and do not deserve the privilege of being permitted to live in one of the most enlightened societies in history."

Can you expand on why they don't deserve to live in Canada?


>> joedirt
"(2) isn't the hijab more related to the orthodox jewish idea of covering the hair? Isn't that the purpose, I thought a hijab is mostly to cover the woman hair. That's why it has regional differences on how much of the face/hair needs to be covered... Hijab has nothing to do with Quran or covering the face (if so they would all be veils)"

It's all about the social norms of the times. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam stemmed from the same source. A good example and parallel to this is that you can see different creation myths being created as cultures diverge, just as languages were diverging from the common dialect of Latin towards all western European and that of the Americas in recent history. Judaism, Islam, Christianity, obviously came from the same source that diverged and ideologically departed as people migrated with their beliefs.

The most contentious example would be that of the Philistines (now the Palestinians) and the Jewish people. 3000 years ago they were the same people. From the same place. Before the term of philistine, before the time of Mohamed, they were the same people that lived within the same local tribal ideologies. They have they same ancestors that were diverged by politics or who was going to rule the area.

Alright I'll stop typing, A have a habit of rambling.


>> ^geo321:
"Two of these women are alien to western civilization and do not deserve the privilege of being permitted to live in one of the most enlightened societies in history."
Can you expand on why they don't deserve to live in Canada?

Their religious faith impedes participation in Canadian society and further widens the chasms in an increasingly fractured multicultural nation, while the values they hold do not complement the impetus of the European desire to create a free and open society.

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