Harrison Ford Won't Answer Star Wars Questions

Harrison Ford on Jimmy Kimmel Live

am I the only one just not excited at all about the new movies? I just feel certain that they'll fuck it up, or even if it's good, the feel of it will just be so foreign that it won't be Star Wars.

For all of George Lucas' faults, it still just won't be star wars without some hamfisted, bad dialogue.


Yeah I'm certainly there with you. I told my girlfriend when we were discussing it that if, IF, they actually managed to get Hamill, Fisher and Ford all staring again, I would give it a shot. Even then I think I'll probably view it like one of your favorite films that becomes a TV show (I personally hate that, it's just shilling). Even if it's "good" good, it won't erase the scars that Ep.1-3 laid on me.
That said, before Ep.1-3 came out, I told myself there was nothing they could do in those films that would ruin the original series for me, and I was wrong about that.

But yeah, you're not alone. The only copies of the original films I own are the LaserDisc rips of the original, non-special edition series (because it's the last, highest quality version you could get before things went downhill permanently). I'm a nazi for respecting source material and lore.


am I the only one just not excited at all about the new movies? I just feel certain that they'll fuck it up, or even if it's good, the feel of it will just be so foreign that it won't be Star Wars.

For all of George Lucas' faults, it still just won't be star wars without some hamfisted, bad dialogue.

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