Happy Hyena Cavorting in Puddle


Unless it is for some breeding programme to save a species, i dislike zoos intensely. The same applies to caged birds, or fish in bowls. Many of these animals exhibit psychotic behaviour -the bears that rock from side to side for example. We have wonderful nature programmes, so what need for captive animals?


>> ^A10anis:

Unless it is for some breeding programme to save a species, i dislike zoos intensely. The same applies to caged birds, or fish in bowls. Many of these animals exhibit psychotic behaviour -the bears that rock from side to side for example. We have wonderful nature programmes, so what need for captive animals?

It's not the idea of a zoo that displeases me, it's more the lack of space they usually exhibit. They should make em more park-like and put up signs that you may not necessarily see the animal immediately.

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