Guy Jumps Nearly 200 Feet Off a Cliff

World Record cliff jump. 58.8m.
Look before you leap! Skip to 1:27 to feed your fear of heights.

Extra info from YT : "Helpers were bubbling air from compressed air bottles into the pool to ease surface tension. Yet, he failed in hitting that spot but went away without injury. It is reported that at a first glance they suspected a pelvis displacement which luckly couldn't be confirmed."


When I was in highschool there were some ~85 foot cliffs up the freeway from where we lived. We'd jump off those every summer, but no one figured it was dangerous. It was just the highest place we could find.
I don't know if we'd have jumped off a 200 foot cliff if we found one.


Oh, KM/h.

Funny. Before it was over, I was about to type "Seems like it's for Red Bull. It gives you wings." And then pow, there it was.

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