Greek Ferry Attempting To Dock Under Difficult Conditions description:

Ferry Is Attempting To Dock Under Difficult And Dangerous Weather Conditions - Amazing Skills. One of the Greek Islands is having a bad day for sea transport to and from the Island. No coordination of a quick and safe (dis) embarking of passengers and vehicles between the waves, however. The beginning of the footage is spoiled by the person filming the event, because of putting a finger in front of the lens. Gradually the footage becomes better with less interference.


Same ferry with even worse conditions filmed from the shore performing the same meditteranean stern to dock mooring procedure at Sikinos -

That was so, so dangerous. I've spent most of my life around boats and for me that was like watching one of those videos where the kids climb a crane and do pull ups off the top. So no-one got hurt, but it's way more from luck than judgement. Stupid people.


Pretty horribly designed harbor, looks like there are no, hell, what are they called in english, they are "wavebreakers" in finnish...(too tired too google)..I'm living in a coastal town too, that just look stupid.

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