Gorgeous Skyrim timelapse by a professional photographer

Watch in HD, full screen preferably.

"This was done by Tom Harris, a professional photographer in Chicago, on a PC with Ultra High game settings. Feel free to watch the video in 1080p." - Kotaku

I guess it's more about the enviroment and the atmosphere it sets than the graphics. The textures in skyrim, or the lighting system, is far from the best on the market for sure. It's not ugly, it's quite pretty, but not nearly the best there is, but the mood in skyrim's world is far superior to anything I've played yet.


>> ^sillma:

Too bad setting the game to 'ultra high' doesn't bring it even close to the real max settings

yea the graphics are largely 'meh' without a few nice mods like the FXAA Injector, 4k HD Textures, Better Water, Better Night Sky. With those however.. the graphics are astounding and of course the art direction is already so good that you are totally immersed into the game's setting of an old nordic land that is passed it's prime and slowly crumbling while the men and women of power desperately hold on to it as it begins to slip away as the next age of the country begins. The real question is who shall lead it? The game really oozes atmosphere.

Edit: Oh for those on the PC who would like to see these amazing graphics, all the really good graphics mods are listed here (I use all accept the top one myself). http://www.gamersnexus.net/news-pc/660-best-skyrim-graphics-mods


>> ^hpqp:

Yay, maybe I'll be able to play this game in three years time, when I can afford a computer to run it. sighs

Do you have a PC that was build in the last 4 years, and have at least an 8800GT? Congrats you can run it.


wish i had the know-how to install mods.
i tried in oblivion and all i got were giant exclamation points for people.
i only have an 8600gt graphics card though so my FPS would prolly tank.


>> ^enoch:

wish i had the know-how to install mods.
i tried in oblivion and all i got were giant exclamation points for people.
i only have an 8600gt graphics card though so my FPS would prolly tank.

The mods are quite easy to install if you know how to unzip files, easier than Oblivion. However, nearly all the mods made so far are graphics upgrades, which will just make things worse for that card. My Geforce 460 768MB can't handle the larger mods.


>> ^hpqp:

Yay, maybe I'll be able to play this game in three years time, when I can afford a computer to run it. sighs

Mashiki is right. PC gaming today is nothing like what it was in the 90s-00s. The graphics requirements for PC games today are limited by the maximum of what the consoles (Playstation 3, Xbox 360) can do. Those consoles are several generations behind what even a modest PC can do. In short, you probably already can run Skyrim.

And you should.


>> ^enoch:

wish i had the know-how to install mods.
i tried in oblivion and all i got were giant exclamation points for people.
i only have an 8600gt graphics card though so my FPS would prolly tank.

Go to skyrimnexus.com and grab the Mod Manager. Once it's installed, check the Archive Invalidation option in the menu. Then you can one-click install mods from the website. You just have to enable them with the Manager before playing.


I'm not really seeing what the big deal is here. The environment is so bland and dead. Where are the animals and people/monsters? IMO this has got nothing on the Red Dead Redemption time lapses out there.


Somebody want to explain to me how making a video of a computer game requires a photographer? Who gives a shit, anybody can take a video like this, kudos to the game developers, I don't give a crap about the "photographer" that took this.


I think there is an obsession with texture/shadow resolution, with the amount of polygons etc. What I find more impressive is they built a landscape that looks real with enough variation that I can more or less tell where each of the "exposures" in this video were taken.

I somewhat dislike the option to fast travel. Towards the end of the game I ended up just telelporting from each hub city to the next hub nearest to my objective then spent 20 minutes in a dungeon before teleporting back.

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