Golden Eagle Captures a Goat

The Golden Eagle is one of the best known birds of prey in the Northern Hemisphere. It has a wingspan averaging over 2 m (7 ft) and up to 1m (3 ft) in body length.
It is said that the strength on its talons can crush a human skull with ease.

Hi mauz, the golden eagle cannot make a flat takeoff with more than about 6 pounds. If it's grabbing prey off a hillside or cliff it can carry twice that weight and still be able to maintain altitude. However, with something as big as what we just saw in this video the eagle is basically acting as nothing more than a parachute, it can glide a bit but there's no way it will be able to stop it's descent.


>> ^CelticSocks:
Hi mauz, the golden eagle cannot make a flat takeoff with more than about 6 pounds. If it's grabbing prey off a hillside or cliff it can carry twice that weight and still be able to maintain altitude. However, with something as big as what we just saw in this video the eagle is basically acting as nothing more than a parachute, it can glide a bit but there's no way it will be able to stop it's descent.

It also depends on whether the golden eagle is african or european...


Tags for this video have been changed from 'eagle, nature, hunt, paragliding goat adventures' to 'eagle, nature, hunt, paragliding goat adventures, goat, drop, throw, cliff' - edited by lucky760

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