GiraDora • Human-powered washer and spin dryer

GiraDora is a patent-pending human-powered washer and spin dryer to increase the efficiency and improve the experience of hand-washing clothes. The user sits on top of the drum-like appliance and pumps a pedal with her foot, which agitates, cleans, rinses, then spins-dries clothes. While providing a more comfortable, ergonomic, and efficient way to clean clothes, GiraDora also affords opportunities to generate income. For under $40, GiraDora more than doubles productivity, increases health of women and children, and affords the opportunity to begin breaking the poverty cycle.

We've also just created a FaceBook page for GiraDora. For more updates as they come over the next year, please "like" GiraDora at Thank you again for all your interest! We really appreciate it!

Good idea if it's sturdy enough to hold up for more than a month, but $40 each....that's more than those people make in a year. Cut it down to $4 and they've got something.


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