Gilian Anderson in Bizarre Sex Robot Rap Video

please share in my pain

oh, it's HER rapping? whoa. this is almost as startling as that time i bought avril lavigne's cd and found a rap track on it. i mean, a friend gave me the cd. which he had found in a trashcan somewhere dude i listened out of curiosity why can't i stop typing oh no don't hit the submit button! not the submit bu


I don't see how anything that alludes to Gillian Anderson pleasuring herself can ever be considered terrible.

Unless, of course, it involved robots having sex and then turning their attentions on her... oh... wait.


This would have been potentially lethal if it had been an X-files duet with Gillian and David trading off raps.

Need to come up with a Mulder rap
The final stand - At hand. Exo posin as a man!
We will discover, uncover and expose the master plan!

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