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John Boehner: Cow Farts Disprove Climate Change!

Getting An Answer Out Of John Boehner Is Like Pulling Teeth!
House Minority Leader John Boehner tapdances around the fact that the Republicans have no answer to President Obama's plan for climate change. The irony is George Stephanopoulos tries real hard to get an answer out of Boehner.

He also presents a theory as to why carbon dioxide is "comical," from the air that we breathe to the dung that cows make!

April 19, 2009

1:29.. oh my ...

he thinks the idea carbon emissions = cancer, is laughable? at the very least its helping to warm the planet... but he is not being asked about CO2 the gas, he's being asked about the combination of CO2 with the byproducts of combustion which produce it in the first place.... and he doesn't understand the question... and so gives the example:

carbon emitted by COWS BREATHING isn't bad, so ... why are cars? >>?? DID YOU HEAR THIS>???

We need CO2 to sustain processes that sustain life... we DONT need CO2 + PRODUCTS OF COMBUSTION to sustain those processes... and carbon "emissions" i think are different. they're not testing solely for CO2 at the smog place... but heavy metals and other pollutants and CARCINOGENS.




"Our plan is to deregulate while talking around the issue without addressing it directly. Then, when the world has become a hellscape and the average lifespan has dropped to less than 30 years, we'll have a new administration to blame. Of course by that time I'll be long dead, having overdosed on methamphetamines while indulging in a binge weekend with my secret gay lover."

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